- KB API services
- Direct access to card data (CARDDA)
Direct access to card data (CARDDA)
Enjoy benefits of company payment card management
The Card Direct Application Programming Interface (“Card Direct API” or “CARDDA”) is an innovative service that is offered by Komerční banka and that brings many benefits and added convenience in the area of company payment card management. It is designed to facilitate management and control of expenses associated with company payment cards, while ensuring enhanced security and greater effectiveness of your corporate financing.
CARDDA provides secure access to information about active payment cards linked to bank accounts of Komerční banka (KB) clients. It provides a list of payment cards - both debit cards and credit cards - issued to bank accounts of a KB client, as well as details of such payment cards.
The direct access to information about payment card details is available to both account holders and authorised individuals/cardholders.
In order to use this service, selected Internet banking applications (including, but not limited to, MojeBanka Business and MobilníBanka Business) must be active to manage your access. Furthermore, it is necessary to renew access every twelve months.
The following are the basic terms and conditions of use governing the API for accessing information about lists of cards linked to banks accounts as well as payment card details (including cardholders’ names):
- Developer of an application that is to be used to transfer information about payment card details using API shall register such application with KB using a public commercial certificate from a Certification Authority (employee/corporate qualified certificate);
- KB client registers his or her application to use the Direct access to information about payment card details with KB;
- KB client activates the Direct access to information about list of cards linked to a bank account and about payment card details (including cardholders’ names).
The Direct access to information about payment card details (CARDDA) is provided free of charge.
- Central overview of payment cards: CARDDA allows centralised overview of company payment card linked to a specific bank account, further facilitating availability of information about active payment cards linked to company bank accounts.
- Encrypted security measures: CARDDA uses modern encryption and security protocols to ensure that data about your cards are safe and protected from unauthorised access.
CARDDA is a great solution for a business of any size that wishes to enhance control over their company payment cards and optimize expenditure management processes. With CARDDA, you can reduce the administrative burden, minimize risks, and manage your finances better.

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