KB API services
Use API from Komerční banka and make your app even smarter!

Select a service
Browse our catalogue and select an API service you wish to use.

Try out sandboxes
If you wish to check out our services, please visit the testing API portal. This is where you can find all the information regarding our APIs, together with the relevant technical documentation.
Testing API portal

Negotiate cooperation
If you select partner services, we will contact you to arrange a meeting, during which we will discuss our potential cooperation.
Please write to api@kb.cz and briefly describe your services or application.
Please write to api@kb.cz and briefly describe your services or application.

Move to production
In case your application works within the testing environment, we can release it to the production environment.
Production portal

Continuous evaluation
We continuously monitor the usage of our APIs; in case of any overload, we will propose solutions aimed at preventing the situation.

Contact us
Maybe you need some advice or did not find what you were looking for? Do not hesitate to contact us!
KB Open Banking Team