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- KB’s clients will be able to view their Česká spořitelna and Air Bank accounts easily
KB’s clients will be able to view their Česká spořitelna and Air Bank accounts easily
Komerční banka’s clients who hold accounts with Česká spořitelna or Air Bank will be able to interconnect these accounts with KB’s MojeBanka online banking and also with KB’s Mobilní banka. At the first stage, they will be able to check the balance and transaction history, later the option of giving payment orders will be added.
“We are working hard to make it possible for our clients, after logging into our online or mobile banking, to see the balance and movements in their accounts held with other banks, initially with Česká spořitelna and Air Bank. Komerční banka is the first in the Czech Republic to offer these service in both online and mobile banking. We are now preparing the interconnection of additional banks. Next year, we would like to take another major step to enable our clients, directly through KB’s digital applications, to give payment orders from their accounts held with interconnected banks, and also to extend these services to include our corporate clients as well.”
Apart from the opportunity to have control over their accounts in other banks, we will soon also make it possible for our clients to use KB’s services via applications and services of third parties (such as FinTech) using API services in compliance with the European PSD2 regulation.
FinTech services do not necessarily have to compete with banks at all times; from our clients’ perspective, they are a welcome boost to everyday banking services, and we are therefore working hard to prepare various partnerships between KB and FinTechs; pursuing open banking, we are implementing with them a joint ecosystem of services on the bank’s platform. For example, last March Komerční banka launched cooperation with Fakturoid and introduced a service for business owners, invoicing and payments. Going forward, Komerční banka will continue in this trend. Online and mobile banking is becoming a secure gateway to other than purely financial services.