What steps should I take if I wish to repay my mortgage loan early?

Notify us of the loan prepayment

Let us know about the prepayment – either online using your Internet banking, in writing or in person, no less than 5 working days prior to the desired prepayment date.

You may also wish to know that

You will be notified of the specific outstanding amount - including any interest and other charges – in the form of subsequent details (mortgage loan outstanding balance) provided to you after the request is submitted (whether online or at a branch).

For mortgage loans taken out or refinanced after 1 December 2016, clients are required to cover any efficiently incurred costs in connection with the prepayment. If a property is sold after two years of the mortgage loan duration, such costs cannot exceed 1% of the prepayment and CZK 50,000 (maximum limit).

Clients may repay up to 25% of their mortgage loan amount early, free of charge, during the period of one month prior to their mortgage loan agreement anniversary

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