Complaints and claims

You can contact us online, by telephone or in person

Contact us



Reach out to us online
By phone

By phone

  • Infoline 800 521 521
From Monday to Friday between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm
On weekends between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm
In person

In person

You can address your claims or complaints
at any branch of Komerční banka.

Handeling claims and complaints

The resolution of claims and complaints is governed by our claims settlement regulations.

Send us complaint

If you are not satisfied with current account provision or offered services, you can make a complaint. We will resolve it within 30 calendar days. In the event it concerns payment services, it will be resolved within 15 working days. For this purpose, you can use the below form. If you wish to find out more about the resolution of claims and complaints, click here

Your data is processed only in order to contact you back. For more information, please see Information on processing personal data

We will help you

When you do not agree with the resolution of your complaint

We are committed to resolving all disputes amicably. In the event you are not fully satisfied with the outcome of your claim or complaint, feel free to contact an independent ombudsman.

How to contact the Ombudsman

nám. Junkových 2772/1
155 00 Praha 5 – Stodůlky
