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- Accounts and Payments
- What should I do if I submitted my payment order incorrectly?
What should I do if I submitted my payment order incorrectly?

If you have sent a payment more than once, i.e. in duplicate, we recommend that you directly contact the recipient you know, this is the fastest way to handle the refund of the duplicate payment.
In case you submitted a payment order with due date on the following day, you can simply cancel or modify it in your internet banking.
Maybe the submitted account does not exist. In this case, your money will be automatically refunded in 2 or 3 business days.
What about a payment transferred to someone else’s account? In case the recipient’s account is in KB, we will contact him or her via email and internet banking message and ask to return the payment.
In case of bank transfers to an account of another bank, we will contact the bank ask for assistance in the matter. The relevant bank must contact its client and ask the client to return the given amount.
In practice, you will need to complete an application form relating to the refund of wrongly credited amount. We will then forward the application form to the receiving bank. In most cases, the incorrect recipient returns the payment.
If you need advice, you can call our Contact Center - i.e. for English-speaking clients the line: 955 551 556.
During the occurrence of Coronavirus in the Czech Republic - if clients of Komerční banka due to quarantine or due to a threat to their health or health of their loved ones, when they can not or do not want to visit the branch in person, or can not or do not want to go with a written shipment to the delivery points of the Czech Post or other courier services, - in such cases clients of Komerční banka, a.s. may send exceptionally Request for Refund of payment which they mistakenly sent to an incorrect account number to the following e-mail box, which Komerční banka, a.s. set up for these purposes: vraceni_platby@kb.cz
However, in such a case, the clients bear the potential risks associated with e-mail communication, which KB warns against in Article 8.8 of the General Terms and Conditions:
"… However, the electronic communications networks (public telephone lines, mobile network lines, e-mail, and fax) used for the delivery of Shipments are not under the direct control of the Bank, which is not liable for damage caused to the Client by their possible misuse."