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- Inspiration for a more sustainable life
Inspiration for a more sustainable life

Invest in a sustainable future
We all make choices and decisions - about products and services that we purchase or about investments that we make. We can also contribute to a sustainable future through socially responsible investing. The objective of such investments is not just to generate returns, as they also consider environmental and social impacts of individual companies – consequently, you invest in and support companies that contribute to sustainable development. There are several funds to choose from, allowing you to invest in water resources, nutrition for future generations, climate protection, strategic infrastructure, and other themes.

Adopt renewable energy sources
Consider switching your energy supplier. More and more suppliers offer electricity from renewable sources within their portfolio. It will still be the “same old” electricity coming from your sockets; however, you can be certain that your supplier sourced the electricity you use from environmentally-friendly sources. If you really wish to go all out, you can install photovoltaic panels on your roof. It is all very simple with our loan for sustainable projects that also offers great terms. In addition to a photovoltaic power station, you can also finance a heat pump, heat recovery and forced ventilation system or greywater recycling installations.

Commute with respect for the future
There are more and more cars and other vehicles in operation, which leads to emission limits being frequently exceeded, particularly in large cities. The key objective of clean mobility is to reduce transport emissions that pose risks to public health. Moreover, clean mobility promotes alternative transport options that have lower impact on our health and climate. For example, you can use public transport instead of your car for your daily commutes. And when you look for a new car, consider an electric one. For this purpose, you can use our special offer for financing of electric vehicles. Looking for an ideal solution? How about charging your EV using your own photovoltaic power station?

Reduce, reuse, and recycle
More than 73% of all people in the Czech Republic sort their waste. Take a moment to learn about sorting and collection opportunities in your area. Check packaging composition to ensure that all materials go where they are supposed to and can in fact be recycled. For example, our payment cards are actually made of recycled plastic waste.
However, you can even go a step further by preventing waste generation altogether. You should thus try to repair or upcycle things before you buy new ones. If you no longer enjoy something, maybe someone else will. Offer it at swap-meets or online, whether for money, something else or just for a smile.

Shop sustainably
Every day, we decide – through our purchases – where our money ends up. When going shopping, try to give some thought to where the relevant products come from, what materials and packaging they use, but also whether human rights are respected and what employment/working conditions exist throughout the given value chains. For this purpose, you can turn to a new project - Udržitelný e-shop (Sustainable Online Store) – that assesses a sustainable approach of various online stores.

Use energy-efficient appliances
When buying new household appliances, you most certainly take into account various criteria other than their prices, such as size, colour, design, manufacturer or specific features. However, you should also consider information about the operating costs of such appliances throughout their expected lifetime. If you are looking for the most energy-efficient products, check out the website of one of our partners at uspornespotrebice.cz. It lists very energy-efficient appliances and products, including various tips and tricks for their energy-efficient operation.

Grow vegetables and compost
Growing your own vegetable is not only a great way to save money, but it can also reduce your carbon footprint.
By composting bio waste, you can produce your own organic fertilisers to keep your garden green. This will also reduce the amount of waste going to landfills, where harmful methane is accumulated.

Say no to waste!
The most waste comes from individual households. We are not only talking about waste of food or money, but also about the amount of CO2 that is produced by bio waste at large landfills. It does not take much to make a difference – it may be useful to make a shopping list, store food correctly or cook using leftovers.

Try to reduce meat consumption – at least by a few portions
Specifically the production of red meat puts great pressure on the environment. You can thus significantly reduce your carbon footprint by limiting your red meat consumption.

Say goodbye to disposable plastics. Reuse plastic products that you already have
Take a tote back when you go shopping, put fruits and vegetables in cloth bags. Do not buy bottled water; instead, get your own bottle that can be refilled. Bring your own reusable cup to get a coffee to go. Swap disposable razors for electric shavers, epilators or at least for razors with replaceable heads. Shower gel in plastic dispensers for a regular bar of soap. Plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one. Try shopping in package free stores.
And how do we contribute to sustainable development?
We aim for carbon neutrality of our operations, offer sustainable products and services, and much more.